Basic Academy

The purpose of the 40-hour COVA’s Basic Victim Assistance Academy is to provide basic victim advocacy training. The typical attendee has less than 2 years of experience working with crime victims or needs a refresher. This academy emphasizes the importance of social networking and collaboration to enhance service provision in the victim services field. The curriculum embraces the entire scope of victim services and has been enhanced to address unique and specific issues in Colorado.

The once-yearly Academy is an intense experience, but one that will most definitely enhance your ability to work with victims of crime. The knowledge and skills you gain will increase your level of confidence. You will be with peers who share your challenges. We are looking forward to working and learning with you at the Academy!

Advanced Academy

The purpose of COVA’s Advanced Victim Assistance Academy is to provide specialized training on advanced topics to professionals with 2 or more years of direct victim services experience. The training is appropriate for individuals working with crime victims in law enforcement, prosecutor’s offices, probation, corrections, and community based agencies (e.g., a domestic violence or sex assault victim services non-profit). The Advanced Academy is limited to 40 people and preference will be given to applicants who are in a supervisory positions.

For further information contact: 

Ami at 303-996-8082 or

“Amazing training, very inclusive and informative. Great presentations. Fun!” -Victim Advocate, 2021 Basic Academy Attendee
“This academy was great and helped me to reinforce what I've been doing at work. I will be attending the Advance Academy and the Conference.” -Victim Advocate, 2021 Basic Academy Attendee
“This Advanced Academy exceeded my expectations. I felt we were very well taken care of.” -Victim Advocate, 2020 Advanced Academy Attendee
“I always enjoy coming to COVA. You guys make it a safe place to learn. I love how you interact with us. You are always the same here as you are on the street. I always walk away feeling so supported and know I can call with any issue.” -Victim Advocate, 2020 Advanced Academy Attendee
"This training changed my life. After bouncing around in my career I finally found my professional community and sense of belonging! THANK YOU!" - Victim Advocate, 2022 Basic Academy​ Attendee

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